Discourse | Late Realize the need for change, 200 x 190 cm, 2017
Does the effect of text appear more transparent than that of an image? Is such a distinction reasonably justified? The
series „Arguments“ is focused on the analysis of text and image acts.
The paintings differ in two ways to be transparent. Transparency as a visual property differs from that transparency,
which is to be understood as a transparency of meaning.
"Transparency" is also etymologically embedded in the term "control." The Latin parere means not only „appear“,
but also „obey“ or „follow“. Thus, in language usage, a mixture of meanings takes place, the paintings are a kind of ontological
collages, - or logically, an ongoing series of errors. Despite or with this contradiction, a philosophical-thinking and at the same time artistic intuition takes place.
Does the effect of text appear more transparent than that of an image? Is such a distinction reasonably justified? The
series „Arguments“ is focused on the analysis of text and image acts.
The paintings differ in two ways to be transparent. Transparency as a visual property differs from that transparency,
which is to be understood as a transparency of meaning.
"Transparency" is also etymologically embedded in the term "control." The Latin parere means not only „appear“,
but also „obey“ or „follow“. Thus, in language usage, a mixture of meanings takes place, the paintings are a kind of ontological
collages, - or logically, an ongoing series of errors. Despite or with this contradiction, a philosophical-thinking and at the same time artistic intuition takes place.

Discourse | Late Realize the need for change, 200 x 190 cm, 2017

Subject | from the series Classical Arguments, 200 x 190 cm, 2013

Discourse | Deeply Historical, 200 x 190 cm, 2024

Discourse | Birdy Era, 200 x 190 cm, 2024

Diskurs-Aktivist:innen-Gängeviertel-Hamburg 03, 200 cm x 190 cm, 2014

Diskurs-Aktivist:innen-Gängeviertel-Hamburg 03, 100 cm x 100 cm, 2014
Ghost Discourse in Art, Acrylic on translucent foil, 200 cm x 190 cm, 2017