Flowers for the summer (2010)
The exhibition “Flowers for the Summer” of the New York Gallery Werner inspired Rauwald to a series of paintings,
which investigates questions about woman artists and their reception in the art institution and art marketing.
In the works, she combines abstract, gestural painting with patterns of blobs, which she took from a psychological test,
the “Rohrschach Test”. The still used test (mainly in the USA) diagnose mental illness. In legal terms determine the accountability of defendants. In order to obtain a favorable test result it is necessary to recognize cheerful creatures such as butterflies
or flowers in the blobs and to avoid menacing or sexual associations.
On a large, glaring yellow blob, Rauwald projected the list of artist names of Gallery Werner, among them Pablo Picasso,
Sigmar Polke, Lucio Fontana, Joseph Boys and others - without exception male artists.
On the list, she put her own picturesque blobs, which are commenting the title of the exhibition in form of a great butterfly.
The original blobs are drawn picturesque after an online version of the test including the corresponding multiple
choice questions and answers on small films.
The exhibition “Flowers for the Summer” of the New York Gallery Werner inspired Rauwald to a series of paintings,
which investigates questions about woman artists and their reception in the art institution and art marketing.
In the works, she combines abstract, gestural painting with patterns of blobs, which she took from a psychological test,
the “Rohrschach Test”. The still used test (mainly in the USA) diagnose mental illness. In legal terms determine the accountability of defendants. In order to obtain a favorable test result it is necessary to recognize cheerful creatures such as butterflies
or flowers in the blobs and to avoid menacing or sexual associations.
On a large, glaring yellow blob, Rauwald projected the list of artist names of Gallery Werner, among them Pablo Picasso,
Sigmar Polke, Lucio Fontana, Joseph Boys and others - without exception male artists.
On the list, she put her own picturesque blobs, which are commenting the title of the exhibition in form of a great butterfly.
The original blobs are drawn picturesque after an online version of the test including the corresponding multiple
choice questions and answers on small films.