Hybrid Peace
An intercultural dialogue and a joint exhibition at MOM art space with Ukrainian cultural workers and artists living in Hamburg in Hamburg, Berlin and Helsinki in February 2024
With: Alisa Zizykh (UKR), Wassili Franko (DE), Paula Lytovchenko (UKR), Jenni Schurr (DE), Nikita Kotliar (DE), artisterror (DE), Ayse Ates (DE) , Lesya Gudz (UKR), Yuliya Marushka (DE), Verena Issel (DE), Ksenia Hnylytska (UKR), Schüler:innen der Schule 14 von FS Gruschewskij Kyiv (UKR) und Nataliia Oliferovych (UKR) Kuration: Dagmar Rauwald (DE)
PANEL | Hybrid Talk: 24.2.2024 Start 14:00
Panel with short keynote speeches by: Olga Grytska (media scientist/philosopher, DE), Nataliia Lipina (Deputy Director of Foreign Languages, UKR) with students of School 14 of FS Gruschewskij, Avi Lubin (Curator, Tel Aviv, IS), Milan Ther (Director)
Moderation: Marija Petrovic
A text on the project by Dr. Melanie Reichert (philosopher, DE) will be published
Panel with short keynote speeches by: Olga Grytska (media scientist/philosopher, DE), Nataliia Lipina (Deputy Director of Foreign Languages, UKR) with students of School 14 of FS Gruschewskij, Avi Lubin (Curator, Tel Aviv, IS), Milan Ther (Director)
Moderation: Marija Petrovic
A text on the project by Dr. Melanie Reichert (philosopher, DE) will be published

The end of the war in Ukraine. The end of cruel wars? Can virtuality be effective as a space of possibility for peace?
We do not know whether peace can be achieved before the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine in February 2024. In this project, we want to engage in an artistic and theoretical dialogue about peace efforts.
In the summer of 2022, artists living in Hamburg came together with Ukrainian artists, worked together in workshops and realised the exhibitions „Sketches“ and „Hybrid War“. In „Hybrid Peace“, we want to continue, deepen and further develop this collaboration. During the planning of the project, Russia’s idea of the end of the war through Ukraine’s complete renunciation of all contested territories and further demands on the state spread in the media. The concept of peace in HYBRID PEACE is not meant by these demands of the aggressor.
Our perception of war through virtual media makes the events close and omnipresent on the one hand, while on the other hand it alienates the reality of acts of war, the end of which is not foreseeable. We also mostly experience international efforts to end war digitally, which forms the basis of our perceptions and shapes our thinking.
Is there a causality between peace efforts, a digital reality and the end of the war in Ukraine?
The „Hybrid Peace“ project aims to continue a dialogue in which we share our experiences of the crisis, which we experience differently, the various and diversely conceived efforts for peace and their hybrid realities.
In January and February 2024, we will hold workshops to discuss our own points of view and artistic practices and work on a work in this context. The meetings are planned to be hybrid. We want to find out and express what considerations arise and are relevant to the topic. The results and conclusions will be moulded into an artistic expression. This will result in works that will face each other in a joint exhibition in the MOM art space.
We do not know whether peace can be achieved before the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine in February 2024. In this project, we want to engage in an artistic and theoretical dialogue about peace efforts.
In the summer of 2022, artists living in Hamburg came together with Ukrainian artists, worked together in workshops and realised the exhibitions „Sketches“ and „Hybrid War“. In „Hybrid Peace“, we want to continue, deepen and further develop this collaboration. During the planning of the project, Russia’s idea of the end of the war through Ukraine’s complete renunciation of all contested territories and further demands on the state spread in the media. The concept of peace in HYBRID PEACE is not meant by these demands of the aggressor.
Our perception of war through virtual media makes the events close and omnipresent on the one hand, while on the other hand it alienates the reality of acts of war, the end of which is not foreseeable. We also mostly experience international efforts to end war digitally, which forms the basis of our perceptions and shapes our thinking.
Is there a causality between peace efforts, a digital reality and the end of the war in Ukraine?
The „Hybrid Peace“ project aims to continue a dialogue in which we share our experiences of the crisis, which we experience differently, the various and diversely conceived efforts for peace and their hybrid realities.
In January and February 2024, we will hold workshops to discuss our own points of view and artistic practices and work on a work in this context. The meetings are planned to be hybrid. We want to find out and express what considerations arise and are relevant to the topic. The results and conclusions will be moulded into an artistic expression. This will result in works that will face each other in a joint exhibition in the MOM art space.
Dagmar Rauwald, 02.24